Aquest procés de selecció ja ha finalitzat.



Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Las Palmas)


Què ofereix l'empresa?
  • 1 plaza de prácticas en PHILIP MORRIS SPAIN de 6 meses
  • Bolsa de ayuda de 944,00€ brutos mensuales
  • Centre de pràctiques en España: C/ Bravo Murillo, 28 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Las Palmas)
  • La beca incluye matrícula en Máster en Decision Making and Innovation 2.0 (Universidad de Alcalá)
Quin perfil cerca l'empresa?
  • Estudiante universitario de grado a falta de 2 asignaturas o Titulado universitario de grado o Titulado universitario pre-Bolonia: Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas ADE, Grado en Marketing, Grado en Industria Digital
  • Competències en Idiomes: nivel C1 de Inglés.
Pla de formació proposat

Be part of a revolutionary change
At PMI, they have chosen to do something incredible. They are totally transforming their business and building our future with smoke-free products with the power to improve the lives of one billion smokers worldwide.
With a great change, comes a great opportunity. Therefore, being part of your team, wherever you join them, you will enjoy the freedom to dream and offer better and brighter solutions and the space to advance your career in infinitely different directions.

Sales and marketing at PMI feels like building a new business, but with the accumulated experience of a global brand behind. Give us your curiosity and ability to involve people and you can be part of the digital team in the channel that is driving our huge commercial transformation.

If you are a forecaster and an advanced thinker, you can have a big impact, participating in the creation of sales strategies in all markets. At PMI, your innovation will do more than just improve sales. They are not persuading someone to a savings account or trying a new beverage brand. Potentially, they are changing the lives of one billion smokers by helping them switch to a better alternative to smoking.

Objetivos formativos:

Participate and keep in touch with external suppliers to ensure the implementation of the strategy, monitoring and possible improvements. In addition, you will learn to perform the entire analysis process to support the decision-making process and measure and report the results to ensure that the projects deliver the expected results and propose improvements for future implementations.

It will support and participate in the development of a loyalty program to contribute to the long-term commitment of our partners, by proposing and collaborating in the implementation of the best content and local communication solutions for the platforms. You will contribute to the successful integration of your B2B, B2C online and offline activities, aligning content and communication with an Omni channel approach.

Aptitudes del candidato:

  • University degree in Business Administration and Management, Marketing or Engineering (digital skills will be assessed)
  •  Fluent native Spanish and English (at least C1). Portuguese knowledge is an advantage.