Aquest procés de selecció ja ha finalitzat.

Prácticas Departamento ESCMB5


Getafe (Madrid)


Què ofereix l'empresa?
  • 1 plaza de prácticas en AIRBUS OPERATIONS, S.L. de 11 meses
  • Bolsa de ayuda de 1.000,00€ brutos mensuales
  • 8h. diarias
  • Centre de pràctiques en España: Pº de John Lennon, s/n Getafe (Madrid)
  • La beca incluye matrícula en Máster en Decision Making and Innovation 2.0 (Universidad de Alcalá)
Quin perfil cerca l'empresa?
  • Titulado universitario de grado o Titulado universitario pre-Bolonia: Grado en Ingeniería de Materiales
  • Competències en Idiomes: nivel C1 de Inglés.
Proves de competències

Com a part del procés de selecció hauràs de fer aquestes proves:

Pla de formació proposat

Development and deployment of MPaT surface technologies for a mature industrial application. Specify and verify materials and processes performance and quality data as basis for certification. Establish and validate the design standards to have competitive surface technologies for the protective systems of the materials used for designing, manufacturing and operating the aircraft. Drive the surface technology development and ensure the technical alidation for its implementation. Provide surface technology concepts and solutions of surface protection to obtain new industrial processes and structural designs with view to the continuous improvement of the product (high performance/low cost).


Provide surface technologies enabling effectiveness of the aerodynamics iprovements. Ensure reactive support for the FAL and MCA for design and the manufacturing, including M&P expert support.


Definition of Surface technology strategy, principles and concepts, Airbus design directive "Corrosion Prevention" BD0078 and complementary documents TDD and 007.TN 10,003). Materials, processes and tests, specifications. Technologies regarding the materials for the application of the external ecoration (paintings, adhesives Deco-film, paint removal). Pre-treatment and cleaning technologies for surface preparation (e.g. before painting) or finishing of component parts / assemblies. Surface treatments and coatings of surface for the protection of component parts / assemblies. Eco-efficient aterials and processes to guarantee EHS regulations (REACh, VOC elimination,…). Enable special characteristics, such as electrical insulation, rotection against erosive effects, Aerodynamic effective coatings.