Aquest procés de selecció ja ha finalitzat.

Prácticas en B2B Global Marketing Communications


Madrid (Madrid)


Què ofereix l'empresa?
  • 4 plazas de prácticas en TELEFÓNICA INTERNATIONAL WHOLESALE SERVICES II, S.L.U. de 6 meses
  • Bolsa de ayuda de 700,00€ brutos mensuales
  • 6h. diarias
  • Programa START
  • Centre de pràctiques en España: Ronda de la Comunicación s/n, Distrito T ( or 260 Bath Road Slough, or Air Street London) Madrid (Madrid)
Quin perfil cerca l'empresa?
  • Estudiante universitario de grado o Estudiante universitario de máster: Grado en Marketing, Máster en Marketing, Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas ADE, Máster en Administración y Dirección de Empresas MBA
  • Competències en Idiomes: nivel C1 de Inglés.
  • Competències: Iniciativa y espíritu emprendedor, Capacidad para trabajar de forma autónoma.
Proves de competències

Com a part del procés de selecció hauràs de fer aquestes proves:

Pla de formació proposat
B2B Marketing Communications places the customer at the heart of what we do. Our principle drivers are to:  1) Empower Our Sales team to achieve Sales Objectives 2) Engage, Inform & Inspire Our Customers & Prospects  and 3) Raise Brand Awareness.
These are executed & achieved across 6 strategic marketing platforms:  1) Content Marketing Strategy, 2) Digital Platforms, Portals & Lead Generation 3) Social Media, 4) PR & Media, 5) Events and 6) Industry Analysts & Consultants Engagement.  Each of these building blocks form a powerful marketing engine.
Objetivos que se pretende conseguir:
The successful candidate would gain significant insight and contribute towards our Inbound Marketing Strategy and Lead Generation activities. In paralell, they would develop, create and deliver new content marketing assets across a diverse range of communication vehicles and leveraging multiple platforms, utilising various production tools.
El plan de formación:
Participation in multiple workshops associated with design concepts, strategy planning and campaign execution/review and improvement cycle. Attendance at Global ICT events and where identified relevant business courses. The "real" activities of the role, combined with peer-peer engagement and external stakeholder sessions provide fertile and robust learning opportunities.
Funciones que se llevarán a cabo:
The candidate will be actively participating and contributing to the successful execution of our Inbound Marketing Strategy (development, design, execution, monitoring, re-design, measurement...), will lead the direct creation of new content marketing assets to support these activities and drive the ongoing integration programme of the relevant sales platforms.
Otros conocimientos deseables:
Adobe Creative Suite (eg. Photoshop etc), Graphic Design Platforms, Content Management Systems (eg. Umbraco, Liferay, Drupal), Inbound Marketing Platforms (eg. Hubspot, SalesForce, Salesmanago), StoryBoarding, CRM Platforms (eg. Salesforce)