Aquest procés de selecció ja ha finalitzat.

MNCs Digital Acceleration


Madrid (Madrid)


Què ofereix l'empresa?
  • 1 plaza de prácticas en TELEFÓNICA INTERNATIONAL WHOLESALE SERVICES II, S.L.U. de 6 meses
  • Bolsa de ayuda de 768,00€ brutos mensuales
  • 6h. diarias
  • Programa START
  • Centre de pràctiques en España: Ronda de la comunicación s/n, Edificio Oeste 1 Madrid (Madrid)
Quin perfil cerca l'empresa?
  • Estudiante universitario de grado o Estudiante universitario de máster: Grado en Tecnologías de Telecomunicación, Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas ADE
  • Competències en Idiomes: nivel C1 de Inglés.
  • Competències: Habilidad para trabajar en un contexto Internacional, Orientación al logro, Toma de decisiones/resolución de problemas, Capacidad para generar nuevas ideas, Capacidad de aprender.
Proves de competències

Com a part del procés de selecció hauràs de fer aquestes proves:

Pla de formació proposat

Actividad del Area: 

Accelerate the sales of all Telefónica Digital Products to the 400 TOP MNCs Accounts, building the most Innovative Digital Transformational speeches using a consultative sale approach and levering on innovative partners that can strenght our portfolio. As member of the MNC Business Development team, our role is to lead the digital transformation of our TOP Sales Account Managers and continuosly challenge the group to incoporate new and innovative commercial approaches. We want to set long-term partnerships with our customers and be part of their Digital Transformational Projects and to do that we need to get the most of all Telefónica capabilities.

Objetivos de aprendizaje:

Being aware of the digital trends of every industry and knowing the digital portfolio of Telefónica, his/her main roles will be to generate top-class and innovative digital transformation proposals to show how Telefónica can improve the digital journeys of our customers.  This is an opportunity to get a deep knowledge on IoT, Big Data, Cloud, Security, E-Learning and Mobility services and to understand how them can transform the TOP Accounts of each industry.

Plan de Formación:


There will be three different phases:
* Phase 1 - Deep Digital Knowledge of Telefónica porfolio: IoT, Big Data, Security, Cloud, E-Learning, Mobility 
* Phase 2 - Knowledge on Industry Digital needs with the help of Consultative firms
* Phase 3 - Put all that into practice, generating new digital commercial approaches and promoting them among the Sales Community
* Phase 4 - Support on face-to-face meeting with MNC customers
Funciones a desempeñar:
Main activities will be:
* Generate Digital Transformational Proposals for the main industries
* Track Digital Commercial Activities
* Support on CxO meetings preparing sales materials
* Help organizing Commercial Campaigns among all the Sales Community
* Identify and contact relevant partners that can provide industry insights and solutions to be incorporated in our approaches