Aquest procés de selecció ja ha finalitzat.



Madrid (Madrid)


Què ofereix l'empresa?
  • 1 plaza de prácticas en THALES ALENIA SPACE ESPAÑA, S.A de 12 meses
  • Bolsa de ayuda de 1.000,00€ brutos mensuales
  • 8h. diarias en Jornada completa
  • Centre de pràctiques en España: Einstein, 7 Madrid (Madrid)
  • La beca incluye matrícula en Máster en Productividad y Desarrollo Personal (Universidad de Alcalá)
Quin perfil cerca l'empresa?
  • Titulado universitario de grado o Titulado universitario pre-Bolonia: Grado en Tecnologías de Telecomunicación, Grado en Ingeniería Informática, Grado en Física, Grado en Ingeniería de Organización Industrial, Grado en Ingeniería Química, Grado en Ingeniería Electrónica, Grado en Ingeniería Matemática
  • Competències: Habilidad para trabajar en un contexto Internacional, Iniciativa y espíritu emprendedor, Capacidad para generar nuevas ideas, Capacidad de análisis y síntesis.
Proves de competències

Com a part del procés de selecció hauràs de fer aquestes proves:

Pla de formació proposat

Thales Alenia Space is an aerospace company that designs and delivers innovative solutions for telecommunications, navigation, Earth observation, space vehicles, infrastructure & exploration and environmental management.

This company has contributed to the development of more than the 50% of the living space of the ISS, is the main supplier of the ATV, leads the ExoMars program of robotic exploration of Mars and it is the largest European satellite manufacturer.

The Young Talent Programme of Thales Alenia Space in Spain is oriented towards the development of its participants offering them a Master Degree of 1 year, in which a 70% will be “on-the-job” experiences, 20% through feedback and relationships and the remaining 10% from formal training. 

This experience will bring you

  • The opportunity to start your professional career in a complex and demanding environment, such as the space industry.
  • Additionally, Thales is certified as a Top Employer company, being recognized for its working conditions and its good atmosphere.
  • A chance to improve your capabilities and skills and pursue your potential being part of an active company with a worldwide dimension

What are we looking for?

We are looking for young graduated talents who wants to make the difference for Thales Alenia Space in Spain for these areas:

RF, Software & Ground, Digital, Industrialization & Production, Supply Chain, CTO, HSE & HR.