This selection process has already been completed.


Daimler Group Services Madrid S.A.U



What does the company offer?
  • 1 internship vacantNone en Daimler Group Services Madrid S.A.U de 12 meses
  • Study assistance of 900.00€ gross monthly
  • 7h. diarias en Jornada partida
  • Work Center en Spain: ISLA GRACIOSA, 3 3ª planta SAN SEBASTIAN DE LOS REYES (Madrid)
  • La beca incluye matrícula en Máster en Decision Making and Innovation 2.0 (Universidad de Alcalá)
What profile is the company looking for?
  • University graduate or University preBolonia graduate: Grado en Administración de Empresas, Grado en Economía, Ingeniero Industrial
  • Language Competencies: level C1 of English, level B1 of German.
  • Competencies: Habilidad para trabajar en un contexto Internacional, Trabajo en equipo, Toma de decisiones/resolución de problemas, Capacidad para generar nuevas ideas, Adaptación al cambio.
Competency tests

As part of the selection process you will have to carry out these tests:

Proposed training plan

Eres una persona a la que le gusta estar entre números, con gran capacidad de análisis y de síntesis, que recoges y analizas datos y que puedes interpretar y elaborar modelos financieros. Con capacidad para realizar seguimiento de las tendencias económicas y desarrollar y analizar previsiones. Eres alguien resolutivo que puedes plantear soluciones óptimas a los diferentes problemas económico-financieros.

The student will participate in the CMMI initiative named as "CMMi for Services" bringing oportunities to participate in the desing of process at C&S level to standarize the process to design, build, perform transition and provide services in the scope of Cross function activities currently under the setup process. It includes learning about PMI, CMMi, ITIL and IT Methods, processes and toos defined for IT Daimler used in the execution of the activities as well as to learn usage of process modelling tolos like ARIS to document processes. As well as will support "IT Service Management" under SLA activities