What is Línea Directa?

We are a young company that revolutionizes the way of doing things in our sector.

Because we do not settle and we are curious. In our DNA is to be agile, different and always with the focus on the most important thing, people.

And you. Do you have the #ADNLíneaDirecta?

Your first job?

At Línea Directa we want to have your curiosity, your desire to learn, your talent and personal seal.

Therefore, we have launched the Young Talent Program, through which you will get much more than a work experience.

  • You will work, hand in hand, with some of the best professionals in our sector; You will integrate into the teams as one more from the first day and you can contribute your ideas to projects that will transform the market.
  • We offer practices between 6 and 12 months.
  • You will receive a compensation of up to 800€.
  • You will have personalized training, tutoring and mentoring at all times.
  • You will have the possibility of accessing a career plan, oining the company.

And after, what?

As you have seen, our Young Talent Program includes the real possibility of a career plan, joining our company.
If you have studied Engineering, Big Data, Actuarial Sciences, Statistics ... you will have at your disposal initiatives such as the Pi Program.

At Línea Directa we do not understand the world of data and analysis without a collaborative environment in which methodologies, best practices and tools can be shared to better prepare you to face current and future challenges.

Do you know Big Ideas?

At Línea Directa we believe in the talent of the youngest. With Big Ideas from Línea Directa, your idea can be rewarded.

Stay tuned for the next edition!

We introduce you to Alan, the first winner of the Hackathon.

Keep in touch?